Third Party Vehicle Insurance

Third Party Vehicle insurance for visitors with their own transport.  Also includes Motorcycles.

When purchased online, your policy and claims information is emailed as a PDF document and cover is IMMEDIATE.


Travellers visiting NZ for 3 months or more may find that buying their own vehicle is an attractive option. Older but very serviceable vehicles are very affordable. HOWEVER it could completely ruin your holiday if a driving accident were to leave you responsible for 1000s of $'s worth of damage to someone else's property.

You should insure against this risk, but short term insurance for visitors can be difficult to arrange. Thanks to a BBH initiative, third party motor insurance is now readily available from BBH.

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It's attractively priced and designed specifically to suit vehicle owning visitors. Unlike other policies, the BBH policy:

  • is available to all visitors to New Zealand regardless of nationality.
  • automatically covers a replacement vehicle if necessary.
  • automatically covers additional drivers who drive with your permission - providing they have the appropriate licence.

There are very few other conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does Third Party Insurance mean? In the case of an accident where you are at fault, the other person's vehicle will be fixed but your vehicle will not.
  • What is an Excess? This is the maximum amount you will be required to pay in the event you make a claim on your policy.
  • Fire and Theft Extension: For a small additional fee, you can buy extra protection.  Theft covers someone stealing your vehicle - but please note - it DOES NOT cover the contents of the car. You need normal Travel Insurance to cover your personal property. BBH also offers a standard Travel Insurance cover
  • How do I Make a Claim? When you buy your policy, a copy is emailed to you with the claims phone number. Keep it somewhere safe.
  • Can I pay by Eftpos or Cash? No, the online system only allows for payment by Mastercard or Visa. 
  • Motor Bike Cover: The rates, terms & conditions and excesses for motor bikes are the same as those offered under the car policy, except that a Fire and Theft insurance option is NOT available for Motorcycles
  • Adding a Driver: Additional drivers can not be nominated after the policy has been issued, BUT any driver not noted on the policy may drive the car with the permission of the insured so long as they are properly licensed to do so, and follow the road rules of New Zealand.
  • Extending the Policy: Policies cannot be extended after purchase. We suggest you take out a  longer policy if you are unsure of your length of stay - an extra 3 months insurance costs little as $NZ30.
  • Can I get a Refund or Partial Refund? Sorry - No. The policy is non-refundable.
  • Swapping Vehicles: If the original vehicle on a policy is replaced, cover remains as long as the registered owner of the new vehicle is the same as the original vehicle. We do not require notification of the change or your new Registration Plate number. In the event of a claim, the insurer will require proof of ownership of the your vehicle to confirm that cover exists.
  • Drivers Licence: you can drive on a valid drivers licence from your own country for up to one year. For more details, see
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